What is Protein?

Protein is used to restore and repair all tissue structures, build up muscles, and is the key to such bodily functions as the production of cells and hormones. Eating too little protein, however, can severely limit your muscle gains and weaken your immune system, because the body will always use protein to first repair and build all other tissue and for hormone production, before it uses it on muscle tissue. In fact, when inadequate protein levels are in a diet, the body will use protein from muscle tissue to perform body functions where protein is needed.


There are 20 different amino acids used in the construction of protein; nine of these must come from food because they cannot be produced inside the body.


Sources of protein

    • Beef: sirloin steaks, veal, horse, goat, ground beef
    • Poultry: chicken, turkey, game
    • Fish: Tuna, salmon, trout, halibut, herring
    • Dairy: Milk, cheeses, casein
    • Tofu


    • Whey protein
      Biobolics Nutrition supplements that contain whey:
      • Bio Whey
      • Bio Gold Mass
      • Bio ISO Whey


How much protein do I need?

People who are highly active in physical activity are breaking down muscle at a much higher rate than a sedentary person and need to consume much more protein in order to maintain and to build new muscle.

Active individuals

    • A good rule of thumb for Active Individuals is to consume a MINIMUM of between 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight*
    • If you are active and you are looking to truly build extra muscle then you should consume a MINIMUM of 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight*
    • Be sure to consume protein from high quality protein sources.
    • A great way to help you achieve your daily protein intake is by making up the difference of protein from your regular food with a protein rich shake made from one of our protein powders. Try our whey , soy, and vegetarian protein formulations.

Sedentary individuals

    • The minimum amount of protein that non active individuals should consume per day, in order to maintain healthy muscle and bodily function is 0.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight*.

* Lean body weight refers to the amount of lean tissue in your body. A good healthcare provider and many fitness centers can help you calculate your lean body weight, which is your weight without any fat.


What's one of the best proteins I can take?

The latest scientific evidence suggests the more active we are, the greater our bodies requirement for high-quality protein. This is why supplementing with protein is a must with Active Individuals and Athletes.

Coined the "king" of the proteins, research shows that whey protein is possibly the highest quality protein available. This makes whey an essential part of any Athlete's, Weight trainer's, or Fitness Enthusiasts' success program.


I hear a lot about whey protein; how can I benefit from it?

    • Increases the anabolic environment and prevents muscle breakdown, thereby assisting the muscle-building effects of intense weight training and exercise.
    • Enhances muscle recovery after exercise and workouts.
    • Provides the most optimal source of amino acids (the major building blocks of muscle); critical for the repair and growth of muscle tissue.
    • Boosts immune function by increasing levels of glutathione (the most potent antioxidant in the body).
    • Helps to maintain balanced nutrition, by supporting both healthy weight-loss and muscle enhancing nutritional programs.




Why should I care about processing methods when it comes to my whey protein?

Answer: Because not all whey proteins are created equal.

The reason why not all whey proteins are equal comes down to the way in which they are processed. You see, whey protein is often processed to remove lactose and fat. However, in order for it to maintain its high biological value, it must be processed under careful low temperature and low acid conditions, so as not to "denature" the protein. This is essential in order to maintain and reap even more of whey's biological value, immune stimulating, and health enhancing benefits.

Scientific evidence supports the above facts, stating that the way in which whey proteins are processed can have a significant impact on their protein content and the body's assimilation and absorption. For example, whey protein powder in its simple form has 30% or less total protein content, whey protein concentrate has between 30-85% protein and lastly whey protein isolates, which have the highest with 90% or higher protein content.

In the case of whey protein isolates (the most expensive type), there are two processing methods, ion exchange filtration and cross-flow micro-filtration. Both are used to process particular components of the total whey protein, resulting in an end protein with extremely high assimilation and beneficial properties.

Active Individuals and Athletes, who are seeking quick recovery with the benefits of whey protein, should seriously consider the more expensive, fast assimilated whey isolates alone or in a multi-protein blend, before and after intense training for optimal recovery.

Enhanced benefits of Whey protein isolates

    • Highest protein content (90%) of all whey protein types.
    • Virtually lactose free.
    • Highest biological value.
    • Features all the benefits of whey.

Why Whey and Egg Protein?

Many fitness enthusiasts and athletes often wonder which protein is the best choice, for achieving their performance goals: whey or egg?  Not surprisingly this is also among the highest debated topics in nutrition among scholars. That being said, there is evidence to suggest that it may be beneficial to consume a balance of different protein types in order to reap the unique benefits that each offers. Let's examine two of the most sought after proteins.


Research shows that egg protein is nature's most perfect form of body-soluable protein. In fact, egg protein is the standard to which all other forms of protein are measured and it has the highest protein efficiency ratio (PER).

Benefits of Egg Protein

    • Highest levels of alanine, arginine, glycine and methine.
    • Fat Free


What is Whey Protein and how it is produced?

Whey Protein is a dietary supplement which is produced as a left over residue when milk is coagulated. The Coagulation results in 5% solution of lactose in water which is also loaded with minerals and lactalbumin. One of the leftover products is whey which is in liquid form and other is casein which is used to make cheese. The liquid whey is then processed and dried using various methods like Ion Exchange and Micro Filtration.

Types of Whey Protein

There are three major forms of Whey Protein. Here is the synopsis of all three forms of Whey Protein.

  1. Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC): The WPC is produced by the ultra filtration of whey. It varies from 29% to 89% concentration of protein by weight. The rest part is lactose, fats and minerals. Generally the WPC 85 concentration is available in the market. It is least processed form of whey. This form of whey has higher level of lactose (Carbohydrate value).
  2. Whey Protein Isolate (WPI): The WPI is produced by membrane filtration technique. It contains 90% of protein concentration by weight. It includes removal of most of the lactose and fat content.
  3. Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH): The WPH is the pre-digested form of whey. It can simply be understand as the form of whey which can be absorb by body much easily as compared to WPC and WPI. Our body needs to hydrolyse proteins before digesting them. The advantage of WPH is that it is already hydrolysed and it produced 28% more insulin which infuses extra fuel to your muscles.


Whey Protein for Bodybuilding

The benefit of consuming Whey Protein can be understood by the biological value. There are lot proteins supplement available in the market but they all differ in biological values. The Biological Value shows how easily body can absorb and utilize protein


Type of protein

Biological Value(BV)

Soy Protein




Whey Protein Concentrate


Whey Protein Isolate



The above data shows that the WPC and WPI have more biological value among different types of proteins. From here we can easily conclude that Whey Protein is much easily absorbed by our body and help repair your micro tears in your muscles.




How much Whey Protein to consume

For someone who is starting a workout routine faces a lot of challenges. One of the major challenges, a lot of athletes face is how much protein to consume in order of build muscles.

The foremost thing in this is to understand why protein consumption is necessary for your body? If you aren`t consuming adequate amount of protein or on a low protein diet, your body turns to catabolic metabolism in which body breaks down muscles to generate protein. Moreover, this can lead to lethargy and lack of energy.

Though consumption of protein is important but excess of anything is bad. The intake of excess protein can also lead to kidney stones, damage to liver. In females, excess consumption of protein can lead to a risk of osteoporosis.

To make this rocket science of consumption of protein easier there is a simple formula, you can infer to:

  1. If you are sedentary person, you should consume 0.8 grams per Kg body weight or 0.37 grams per pound body weight of your body.
  2. If you are an athlete, you need more protein than an average person. You should consume 1.4-1.7 grams per Kg body weight.

Optimum Time to consume Protein

Many of people occur to the question that at what time they consume protein. Well, if you know how much protein your body needs (refer to above), you can easily make a time table when you will consume protein. Though many people prefer to take protein shake before and after workouts as it provides you good recovery and gains. Taking protein in night before bed time is also very beneficial as it keeps your muscle feed to maintain protein levels. Casein is the best suited protein for this time as it digests slowly.

Benefits of Whey Protein

  1. Whey Protein has highest biological value so it can digest much easily.
  2. It helps you recover faster after workouts.
  3. It helps gain lean muscle mass
  4. It increases Glutahione level which is an antioxidant and further it helps in fighting against different types of cancer.
  5. It regulates blood pressure.
  6. It increases abundance of nutrients which help you achieve better health and fitness.
  7. It can lead to kidney malfunction
  8. Liver is also prone to damage
  9. Change in pH of blood may occur
  10. Descend in bone mineral density
  11. It can lead to osteoporosis in females

Side effects for whey protein

  1. It can lead to kidney malfunction
  2. Liver is also prone to damage
  3. Change in pH of blood may occur
  4. Descend in bone mineral density
  5. It can lead to osteoporosis in females


Note: These Side effects are only seen when Whey protein dosage is exceeded beyond recommended. 

There are some myths related to the use of Whey Protein. You may find a lot of results if you search side effects of whey but you have to keep in mind that these myths are created by people who have little knowledge. However, I do have mentioned some side effects but they occur only you exceed the recommended dosage. The one thing I recommend is to buy a trusted whey protein rather than a fancy looking brand. If still you find any problem in buying any dietary supplement feel free to comment below.



Source: http://supplementstown.com/best-bodybuilding-protein-powder-whey-benefits-side-effects/